French schools teach expression of opinions. So important is class participation to the extent of having an exam called ‘l’Oral’.

A 3-year old is not told the colours of the rainbow; he is simply asked which colours he thinks are on it.

A 7-year old can have a round-table discussion with the parents and teacher on which extra-curricular activity to engage in for the nine months. A 10-year old is allowed to disagree with the teacher on any subject that arouses his creativity and imagination. It is therefore common to see young boys interested in the Presidential elections – know the candidates by name, background, political party, economic agenda, policy proposals and most definitely their ratings.
Girls do not only gossip and play Cinderella; they know and understand their cultural heritage and the kings that reigned and those that got beheaded during the revolution. Parents are not gods and teachers are certainly not demi-gods.

Teenagers are able to choose their attire as easily as their career path after debating with the head of the home of course.

To be in control of your life is lesson no.1

Strikes, commonly known as “les manifestations”, are initiation into adulthood. From the university students in the north to the bee farmers in the south, peaceful demonstrations are the headlines. All institutions were calling their government to dialogue on their grievances. They needed answers from the person whose salary was coming from their taxes.
The government was only asked to be accountable on three quarters of the strikes. The other quarter was shouldered by the employers in the private sector. Though less dramatic, the economic impact would nevertheless be felt.
Everyone had an opinion. Conversations were about giving your opinion. To not have one was to be considered stupid. To be content with the little progress government was offering was to be small-minded. To be satisfied with the few work conditions that the employers had signed to was to be apathetic. To be pleased with poor customer service in any institution was to be complacent.

To be opinionated is lesson no. 2

To see grown folk talking to children like their equal and mutual respect between employers and employees, is a culture shock that cannot be fathomed by a 19-year old mind straight from a small town (population of 1.5 million) in the 3rd world; from a developing nation where peaceful demonstrations sounded like Chinese and every head (political, religious, family, school) was a dictator! His word was scripture and his presence worshipped. Disobedience was illegal or sinful. Woe unto you if your thoughts were suspected to be insubordinate.

To live in fear was the only lesson.

A native returns home but as a foreigner.

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